15 Innocent Victims

I opened my eyes to my husband next to me who loves me enough to stick around.  Wow, there must be something special about me.  I roll over and start to handle his man.  He says, "I'm guessing you want lovn' since it's the morning."  We hear a tiny knock at the door (come on, where did you think this was going?...#realitywithkids).  "Mommy, all the fish are dead!"

About two years ago, I took the plunge into a 175 gallon South African Cichlid tank.  Back then, I was still schlepping wine and we would blow money like we were wiping our asses with dollar bills.  Makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it....as I digress.  I raised these guys from the time they were itty bitty.  They are strikingly beautiful (maybe I have mom eyes) and give me a sense of calm and peace as I watch them bully each other all over the aquarium.  Magui, Bubba, Divine, etc, yep they have names.  Jon was nervous about the tank for he didn't know if it was just a phase or I was actually going to take care of it (I worried he was going to be right).  I freakn' love that tank and pride myself in keeping up with it!

PMDD Jesse feels quite differently about the tank.  She barely looks at it.  She forces herself to feed them.  She lets the tank go to hell.  Period.

Last night, I noticed the filter had stopped working because it was so clogged.  I unplugged it but kept the bubbles running so they could have air and planned to clean it out in the morning before church.  Well, the bubbles stopped working for some reason and they were all lying on their sides gasping for air at the top.  We got the bubbles going and threw in buckets of water.  They all survived!!!  They're back to bullying each other all over the place.  :)  If my fish can survive, my plants can survive, my husband can survive, I CAN SURVIVE.


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